
School Stationery

September 4, 2006

Back to school stationery
The first week of September is here. For millions of children around the world, it means it’s time to get their nose out of the swim mask to put it back in their books. Of course for many children this “nose switch” came by already since August. But whether early or late, the fun pool or beach days are now bygones.

Now along with books, supplies, and loads of other items you will need for the new school year, do not forget the much needed back-to-school stationery. Rule 1 (or perhaps the only 1 that matters) with school items is that you should identify ALL of them. Will it prevent some of them from being lost or misplaced? Probably not (as parents of school children very well know). But the idea of course is that by having your identification clearly placed on your school items, you increase the odds of having it returned to you if they’re ever found.

While you can use a simple permanent marker to identify your items (on some items it may be the only thing you can use), you can also use personalized stickers or labels. These cane save you the time and hassle of writing your contact information many times over while bringing an extra original and unique touch to your items. And for the older kids migrating to college, don’t forget to send your new contacts to your relatives and friends.

Thus for those getting their back to school stationery now, here is a short suggestion list on some handy back to school stationery to have (some items are for parents too):

One can find many personalized stationery services to print any of the above. Alternatively, one can also always print them by her/himself with the proper software, hardware, and blank stationery supplies. We have a few suggestion and tips for that too. But that’s for another article.

And now get going on your new homework. 🙂

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